Chris Rock Heckled Again! Should We Be Worried About More Will Smith Copycats?

Chis Rock has been heckled again.
The comedian who was slapped during Sunday nights Oscars by actor Will Smith just started his Ego Death comedy tour. Chris Rock had his first show in Boston just last night. At first, the star was met with nothing but thunderous approval.
However, this stand alone approval did not last for long. As Rock got into his set, a man in the audience started heckling, confirming everyone's concerns of copy-cat attacks. Anastasia Williams, an entertainment producer, was watching Rock's show in Boston and saw this new heckling moment in real time. She shared:
"Chris definitely noticed that person because he actually stopped the show, and he said something like, 'Is this person going to take a gun out of his pocket and shoot me?' which I think was kind of half a joke, half kind of what's-going-on. Chris Rock's personal sercurity came out from the outside of the curtain and kind of stood by just to see what was going on. The person was escorted out, and Chris went right back into joke telling."
The heckler was taken into custody outside of the theatre, conclusively proving that, in a real comedy club, this behavior is not stood for.
What Will Smith did was wrong. He attacked a person, on stage, for doing their job. Comedy clubs and performance professionals throughout the industry have called out, warning people of ramifications and copy-cat reactions. The behavior that Will Smith has inspired is not okay, and this new instance should serve as proof that it will not be stood for.
We hope that the rest of Chris Rock's Ego Death tour continues without any hiccoughs.