Keith Urban Reveals THIS Person Saved Him From Alcohol Addiction

Keith Urban spoke about his "savior" again when he battled against alcoholism.
Amid his skyrocketing career, Urban faced personal issues with regard to his alcoholism. It would have brought him to the darkest part of his life for good, but Nicole Kidman stepped in after their wedding and saved him.
In a new interview with The Sunday Times (via Yahoo!), the 54-year-old opened up about his journey toward recovery and how Kidman played a huge role in his battle. He reportedly went through rehabilitation programs, but his wife contributed the most.
"Everyone does what they want to do to have a great time. I just realized I'm allergic to it. Someone said, 'You have an allergy? What happens when you drink?' And I said, 'I break out in cuffs,'" he quipped.
Urban first admitted himself into a treatment facility in 1998. He then checked himself into the programs again a few months after marrying the actress.
To thank her, Urban made a new ballad song, "Thank You," to creatively expressed his gratitude toward his wife. According to the country star, he wrote songs when he was drunk - and he did the same when he went sober.
Fortunately, his alcoholism did not affect his creativity in any way.
Keith Urban on Growing Up in an Alcoholic House
Elsewhere in the interview, Urban took his time to reveal that his alcoholism was rooted in his childhood. His father was reportedly an alcoholic, and it made him see what it could do to a family.
However, he ended up facing the same problem as his father, who died in December 2015 due to cancer.
Urban reportedly tried hard not to talk about his sobriety since he wants his fans to have a great time and enjoy themselves.
He shared the same story in his past interview with Rolling Stone Australia and Oprah Winfrey. Urban recalled how Kidman still decided to stay with him even during his third rehab stint.
"That's the point right there where she really should've just walked," he said. "I'm just so glad she didn't, and she made a decision to turn around and initiate ultimately this intervention, and it was done in such a way that the love in that room at that moment was just right. I was like, 'Put the cuffs on, let's go.'"