CONGRATS, NICOLAS CAGE! 'Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent' Star Announces He's Expecting New Baby With Wife Riko Shibata

Nicolas Cage may be 58 years old, but we seriously hope he's got the energy and stamina of a thirty-or-forty-something, because he's about to become a dad again.
Cage announced to the public today that he is expecting his third child with his wife, Riko Shibata. Shibata is 27, and Cage's fifth wife.
Cage has two children from previous marriages, but they're both long past the baby stage: Weston Coppola Cage, born to Christina Fulton in 1990, is 30 years old now, and Kal-El Coppola Cage, his son with Alice Kim, is now 16.
This is also a first for Cage, though, because while he's had two children, he's never had a daughter before - and the announcement said that the new baby is going to be a girl.
Cage made the announcement on The Kelly Clarkson Show:
"I'm gonna announce some big news for everybody -- I'm gonna have a little girl," he told the host, unable to contain his excitement as he appeared on the show to promote his new film, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent; "I'm thrilled! It's gonna be the biggest adventure of my life."
"Her name is gonna be Lennon Auggie, I'm gonna call her Lenny for short."
Cage says he chose Lennon because of his love for Beatles legend John Lennon, and Augie to honor his father, August Coppola, who his other children also get their middle names from.
Lenny will certainly have an interesting life - imagine, not only being born into Nicolas Cage's family, with two VERY much older brothers, right as he releases a movie about how he's reached that level of celebrity so legendary that he's almost like a living cryptid. (Also, your mom is from an entirely different generation.)
We're very excited for Cage and his wife - congratulations to the happy family!