Rose Rock, Mother Of Chris Rock, Goes Full On Lioness When Defending Her Son After Will Smith Oscar Slap.

In an act of the lioness protecting her cub, Rose Rock, mother of comedian Chris Rock, didn't mince words while discussing Will Smith's "the slap heard round the world" during this year's Academy Awards ceremony.
During an interview with Billie Jean Shaw WIS News, Mrs. Rock confirmed that her son was doing well after the incident that became pretty much the only headline to come out of the star studded event. She said, however, that Chris is "still processing" what had transpired that night. In the exclusive interview, Rose Rock said this, addressing Smith,
"You reacted to your wife giving you the side-eye and you went and made her day because she was mulled over laughing when it happened."
Rose Rock, who works as a motivational speaker and author, recollected her first reaction saying that she thought the slap was staged when it happened, that was until "he [Will] started using obscenities." She continued, "when he slapped Chris, he slapped all of us." She added to the sentiment, "he really slapped me. When you hurt my child, you hurt me."
Rock went on to express her dismay for Smith's behavior ruining fellow nominee Questlove's moment on stage when he was given the Oscar for Best Documentary for Summer of Soul (Or..., When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised), which Chris was presenting that night,
"No one even heard his speech. No one was able to just be in the moment because everyone was sitting there like, 'what just happened?'"
Rose had a suggestion for the Academy, who has since banned Smith from attending the show for 10 years,
"I wouldn't take his award away, and I don't see any good way they could have taken him out without disrupting."
She continued,
"I feel really bad that he never apologized. I mean his people wrote up a piece saying 'I apologize to Chris Rock,' but you see something like that is personal, you reach out."
Actions have consequences, Will, and you know you screwed up when mothers get involved. Looks like you have more than one apology to make. Mrs. Rock is waiting.