Kanye West Retrieves The Rest Of Kim Kardashian's Sex Tape From Ray J On Latest 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' - Or So They Thought

On a tear-filled episode of The Kardashians, Kim receives a gesture of goodwill from her ex Kanye West.
If you are unaware of how Kim Kardashian rose to notoriety, it started when a sex tape with her and musician Ray J leaked out to the world in 2007. Making the best of a bad situation, the young Kardashian was able to use the publicity to garner a name for herself in the celebrity world, building a family empire of television programs and product lines. (Talk about having the last laugh.)
In the first episode, Ray J's management told Kim of the existence a second tape, which put her in tears. But in the latest episode - which takes place on the day Kim was getting ready for a hosting appearance on Saturday Night Live - she got some relieving news.
Kanye West evidently flew to L.A. to get the footage from Ray J, and returned to New York where he had it sent over to Kim and her family.
"He got me all of the sex tape back. I know Kanye did this for me, but he also did this for my kids. I want to shield them from as much as I can. And if I have the power to, or if Kanye has the power to, like, that is just the most important thing to me, and I'm just, like, so emotional because of it. It just means a lot to me.
Kris Jenner thanked Kanye too.
"Thank you for Kanye and for his unbelievable way he does things, and the ability to get something done. And probably a big fat huge check."
Kanye replied simply,
"Oh, definitely not no check. We not getting extorted ever again."
It was later revealed that the contents of the harddrive were not as salacious has Kim had thought.
"It was just footage of us at a restaurant, at a nightclub. Nothing sexual, nothing weird, and so now I can take a deep breath and not worry about this right before SNL, right before the Bar, right before, like, everything."
Say what you will about the emotional rollercoaster Kanye has put Kim through in recent months, at least he did the right thing for his family.