It's a GIRL! Ed Sheeran and Cherry Seaborn Welcome Their Second Daughter!

Ed Sheeran has had his second child!
The British singer-songwriter is now the father of two children. His wife, Cherry Seaborn, gave birth to their second daughter a week ago.
Their first daughter, Lyra, was a true pandemic baby, born in August of 2020.
Sheeran took to Instagram today, writing:
"Want to let you all know we've had another beautiful baby girl. We are both so in love with her, and over the moon to be a family of four."
The name of the child has not yet been announced, but we are so excited for the family.

When Lyra was born, Sheeran similarly took to Instagram to announce his excitement.
"Last week, with the help of an amazing delivery team, Cherry gave birth to our beautiful and healthy daughter- Lyra Antarctica Seaborn Sheeran. We are completely in love with her. Both mum are doing amazing and we are on cloud nine over here. We hope that you came at hits time. Lots of love and I'll see when it's time to come back, Ed."

Ed Sheeran is thrilled with his family and is loving every aspect of fatherhood - he's said that it has given his life a new and exciting while stable structure. In an interview with Sirius XM radio back in 2021, he shared:
"It is the best thing that's ever happened to me...I think there's so many different sides and shapes to it.
There's difficult days, there's amazing, easy days. It's just a roller coaster of emotions. I know that sounds like a cliché thing to say but it's amazing. I love it.
I'm very structured with my day now - so like usually if I was in the studio I would just kind of work until it was done...I feel like with a kid you need a structured workday. You can't be working until 2 o'clock in the morning.
Oddly enough, since I said that - she actually stopped crying when I play a tune...I don't know if it's because she recognizes my voice, but I've been playing her some of the new stuff and yeah, she's just cool now."
We are sure his newborn will come to love his music just as much as the first! Congratulations to the family!