With Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers dropping on Disney+ to pretty decent reviews, it has taken less than a day for Twitter to point out one of the funniest - but quickly dated - gags in the new adaptation.

Namely, Ugly Sonic.

Yes. The filmmakers gave a brilliant cameo to the original trailer version of Sonic the Hegdehog, goofy teeth and all.

The Disney+ movie revolves around former cartoon stars Chip (John Mulaney) n' Dale (Andy Samberg) in a 'Toons live with amongst humans' world, now with CGI, hand-drawn, and claymation all part of the landscape.

With their show off the air, they have become two different stereotypical versions of washed-up former celebrities, only to be embroiled in a mystery that will have them bring the band back together.

Of course, leave it to Twitter to obsess over the meme-iest gag in the whole trailer.

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I thought we had gotten past all this. Now grandmothers around the world will use Ugly Sonic GIFs to answer Facebook posts without knowing where it came from. Or, hopefully, we'll just move on.

(Either way, it's still a good gag.)

It makes you wonder what will happen with She-Hulk: Attorney At Law once they have to revamp the mess they made.

(They know what they did!)

Let's just hope they don't give Ugly Sonic a film.