It's National Wine Day! Forget the Cheese: Here's Your Motion Picture Pairing Based on Your Drink of Choice

National Wine Day is today! (Now that you have that information, aren't you glad you can retroactively justify the plan to meet up with your friends tonight?)
Wine day is a celebration of just that: wine! (This, of course, is not to be confused with National Drink Wine Day which falls on February 18th. Don't worry: you are allowed - nay, encouraged - to celebrate both in the same fashion.)
One of the best ways to enjoy a glass of wine is while watching your favorite television show or movie. With a wide selection of both wine and entertainment, it can be difficult to know what to choose. It may actually be easier to determine the wine you are craving than the show; and, just like cheese, wine and movies have their pairings, too!
That is why we have a list of recommendations based on your wine of choice to help you celebrate National Wine Day the right way!
1. Rosé - New Girl
"Pink wine makes me slutty!"
If you find yourself drawn to this pink shade of your favorite grape-based drink, you should definitely spend the night curling up to watch an episode (or several) of New Girl. It is the signature wine of the one and only Jessica Day.
That doesn't mean it is the choice of everyone in loft 4D.
When Nick is handed a glass of pink wine he characteristically asks, "I don't get it, is this bathwater?" Schmidt immediately jabs, "It might as well be. It's rosé. Burn notice, France."
While I would personally recommend watching every episode of New Girl on this day, if you only have time for one, you just have to watch season 5, episode 10 which largely happens at a vineyard (and I will tell you nothing else.)
2. Cabernet- Grand Crew
If you find yourself reaching for a glass of Cabernet on this holiday, you should also be getting ready to watch Grand Crew.
Grand Crew is an amazing comedy about a group of friends. We recognize that every great sit-com has a central-location bar - but the central-location bar for Grand Crew is a wine bar.
Yes, at a wine bar you would technically be able to get any wine, but, in a "Meet the Crew" video, actor Carl Tart, who plays Sherm on the show, sips his wine and describes it as, "bold with a medium body," which is SUCH a Cabernet vibe we can't resist equating the two.
This is a show where you can LITERALLY watch every episode to celebrate. (There's only one season out currently, so it's not that many.) Any episode. It all works.
3. Moscato- The Kissing Booth
If you find yourself reaching for a wine that is on the sweeter end of the spectrum, such as Moscato, The Kissing Booth is the movie for you.
Dessert wine is not for everyone. It takes someone who can revel in its super sweetness while still enjoying the flavor of wine.
That is why The Kissing Booth should be your National Wine Day movie. If you are going to watch it, you have to be fully and completely ready to lean into the what-the-heck-is-happening-this-would-never-happen-in-real-life edge, and just enjoy all of the absurdity it has to offer.
It will make for a great night!
4. Bordeaux - Parks and Recreation
If you find yourself reaching for a Bordeaux, then you should also be heading to Peacock to turn on the wine-tasting episode of Parks and Recreation.
Why? Well, for starters, Parks and Recreation is an incredible show makes a great watch on any day of the week.
Secondly, when watching this specific episode, you will be able to laugh extra hard when, after April says that she attended The Wine Academy, the stuffy woman behind the counter, amazed, says, "THE Wine Academy? In Bordeaux?"
(If you're super into Blueberry Wine, I guess this could be your episode as well.)
Either way, be sure to check out season 6, episode 19 with your glass in hand.
5. Chardonnay- Friends
If you find yourself going to grab a bottle of Chardonnay, be sure to turn on the Paul-the-wine-guy episode of Friends. (Yes, we are talking about the pilot - Paul the Wine Guy is Monica's boyfriend at the start of this iconic show.)
Fun fact about the actress behind Monica, Courtney Cox: she recently partnered with Clos du Bois, a company that specializes making Chardonnay, to help them revamp their branding and marketing.
Cox has also stated that she prefers white wine over red. For anyone that's seen Friends before, you know that the only way is Monica's way!
6. Pinot Grigio - Bob's Burgers
Would anything go better with Pinot Grigio than Bob's Burgers? Correct answer: no. This hilarious animated show - which has a movie coming out later this week - will go perfectly with the glass of Pinot Grigio that you are craving.
In the iconic wine shoe episode - which is season 6, episode 14 for those getting ready to make their plans - Linda Belcher invents the Wine Shoe; a large high heel in which you can store wine. Yes, it is a cartoon, but doesn't that look like a bottle of Pinot Grigio? (Regardless, Linda has Pinot energy.)
You heard it here: Pinot Grigio is the official wine of the Wine Shoe.
7. Cherry Wine - Grand Budapest Hotel
Cherry Wine, Peach Wine, Apple Wine - really any wine that needs to specify that a different fruit is the main character (aside from Blueberry Wine, obviously) gives off a quirky vibe that can only be paired with a Wes Anderson classic such as Grand Budapest Hotel.
You're a bit of a free spirit. Odds are even our suggestion of this perfect pairing of wine and movie may be almost right, but not exactly what you want from your night. Don't worry! You can mix and match!
If you're going with any fruit wine though, you should be grabbing SOME movie from the Wes Anderson catalog.
If you find yourself staying in for a taste tester night of an array of different wines with your friends, Wine Country is the movie for you - it's a show in which a group of old friends go to a vineyard for a girl's birthday celebration trip.
Of course, as is the way with any friend-group-travel movie, emotions start running high and hilarity ensues. This hilarity is maximized by the presence of a LOT of wine.
If you and your friends want to cheers the night away watching friends do pretty much exactly what you are doing, Wine Country is your movie. (Drinking game idea: drink whenever they drink?)
Now I'm wondering if there's a National Cheese Day...