Amber Heard's Lawyers Gave Grave Warning to Jurors If They Let Johnny Depp Win

In closing arguments, Amber Heard's legal team urged the jury to consider the message Johnny Depp and his legal team are sending to Heard and, by extension, to other victims of domestic violence.
Taking the stage Friday, Benjamin Rottenborn, Heard's attorney, stated, "If you didn't take pictures it didn't' happen. If you did take pictures they're fake. If you didn't tell your friends they're lying. If you did tell your friends they're part of the hoax."
"Failure to seek medical attention meant you were not injured,' Rottenborn said. 'If you do seek medical treatment then you're crazy and if you do everything to help your spouse rid himself of drugs and drink then 'you're a nag."
Rottenborn added that if a woman has had enough, and tried to leave to save herself, she can be tagged as a money digger. This is what he thinks is the message that the jurors are sending if they ever let Johnny Depp win.
He stated that in Johnny Depp's "universe," a woman is not allowed to leave him, and if a girl dares, then he "will start a campaign of global humiliation" against that person. He said the actor's modus is to use all his power to ruin the girl's life and career - all for leaving him. He said Depp is trying to make the jurors an "accomplice" to his plan.
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Mr. Depp is unable and unwilling to accept responsibility for his behavior, the attorney added.
The jury in the case stepped out to deliberate at 3 p.m. local time.
Elaine Bredehoft, the other attorney for Heard, stated that Depp's desire to restore his name was a "huge deception" because he had already lost a comparable lawsuit in London in 2020.
"Here we are for six weeks of your time. Six weeks of this court's time. For what? For nothing? Only to go after Amber," she said.
He wants to put her through this again, which is psychological abuse.
Bredehoft pleaded with the jurors to finally hold Depp accountable because it appears as if he "never accepted responsibility for anything in his life."
She said: 'We're asking you to hold him legally responsible for his actions and to fully and fairly compensate Amber for what he has done by creating this concept of a hoax. We don't want another lawsuit, we want to leave Amber alone and get on with her life."
Bredehoft restated that her client has all the intention of fulfilling her commitments' to donate $3.5 million to the ACLU and $3.5 million to Children's Hospital Los Angeles but in order to do that, she has to survive this trial first. She added the fact that Depp and his team are finding fault on a woman who have already donated a million to charity sounds like "psychological abuse."
Bredehoft stated, with regard to the issue of damages, that Heard testified that the matter had "destroyed her life" and "consumed" her.
She added the fact how bashers threatened to put her daughter in a microwave. As it stands, win or lose, Amber Heard already cannot escape the situation and no human being should suffer such.
When Depp sued for $50 million, Heard already sent a laudable message by countersuing for $100 million, according to Bredehoft.
While they did not expect this much, they wanted the jury to compensate Amber fully and properly for what she has endured in terms of her reputation and personal pain.
In addition, they wanted the jury to inflict $350,000 in punitive damages, according to Bredehoft.
During the closing argument of Heard, cell phones began to ring in the courtroom. The judge stated that it was a "Amber Alert," a child abduction alert system that asks the public for assistance in locating missing children.