Don't Let Them Eat Cake: Man Disguised As Old Woman in Wheelchair Smears Cake On Mona Lisa
An incredibly strange event took place at the Lourve Museum in Paris, France just this past weekend. On Sunday May 29th, a man who appeared to be wheelchair-bound came to the famous muesum. He had disguised himself as an elderly woman. He came to the well-known Mona Lisa painting.
Because he had claimed to need a wheel-chair, the man was brought close to the front of the painting. However, upon getting to the front of the crowd, the man stood up and smeared a pastry on the glass in front of the brilliant work of art. He then threw roses everywhere.
This is a horrific act that leaves that leaves the world asking one question: Why?
Video footage was caught of part of the event. The man streaked the cake back and forth across the glass covering of the painting.
People across the Twittersphere are tweeting out their opinions. One person, who linked footage, of the event wrote:
"Maybe this is just nuts to me but an man dressed as an old lady jumps out of a wheel chair and attempted to smash the bullet proof glass of the Mona Lisa. Then proceeds to smear cake on the glass, and throws roses everywhere all before being tackled by security. ??"
Nope. Don't worry. Not just nuts to you. Upon being escorted out of the museum, the cake-smearer shouted to the room full of people (translated), "Think of the earth. People are destroying the earth."
We don't necessarily see how his activities and his statements relate.
Well, this definitely makes the weirdest moments in 2022 list.