EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: 'P-Valley' Stars Brandee Evans and Nicco Annan Are BFF Goals On And Off Screen!

P-Valley has just come out with its second season on Starz, and the cast of characters is as captivatingly eclectic as ever.
The show P-Valley follows the story of the owners and dancers of a strip club. While certain characters wind up finding the spotlight more frequently than others, the show is, in its purest form, ensemble based. The writing creates a world filled with dynamic, complicated, and exceptionally nuanced characters.
Between the excellent writing and the fantastic acting, the characters on the show leap out of the piece, becoming incredibly real. With this maximized reality, it becomes nearly impossible not to find at least one character you relate to - or, at the very least, a character you imagine you could be friends with.
We had the chance to sit down with two of the stars of the show, Brandee Evans and Nicco Annan, to talk about which character from the show they think they would be closest to in real life - and through this conversation, we uncovered the real friendship between the two actors. During the interview, the two joked and laughed, clearly best friends off of the screen.
When it comes to befriending a character from the show, Evans specifically did not deviate too far from this real life friendship.
"In real life I'm gonna have to go with Nicco, Uncle Clifford. It's real life for us so I'm just going to let art imitate life in a real way so absolutely Uncle Clifford for me."
Uncle Clifford is the role played by Annan. He is the loving, hilarious, intelligent, and captivating owner of the club The Pynk. With all of the accolades that surround the character, it is no wonder that Annan agreed with Evans's decision.
"I was gonna say the same thing in terms of I would be friends with Uncle Clifford, too, you know?"
However, aside from his own character, he believes that Evans's character Mercedes would also make an excellent real life friend.
"I would also be friends so much with Mercedes...I could rock with everybody to be honest to a certain degree, but yeah, you got a good pairing right here."
We love to see actors so in sync both on and off of the screen. P-Valley is currently streaming on Starz.