The Marilyn Monroe Dress Kim Kardashian Wore to The Met Gala Appears to Have Been Damaged: Here is the Twitter Take On The Issue

The Marilyn Monroe dress that Kim Kardashain wore to the Met Gala appears to have been damaged.
At this year's Met Gala, Kim Kardashian wore the dress that was famously worn by the ever iconic Marilyn Monroe during the well known, airily sung rendition of, "Happy Birthday Mr. President." The dress was specially lent to the reality star, a decision which was surrounded with much controversy. The dress was under security surveillance the entire night to ensure that no damage was incurred.
And this is why every historical garment archivist and textile expert about had a coronary seeing Kim Kardashian in Marilyn Monroe's dress.
— Kathryn Brightbill 🖋️ (@KEBrightbill) June 13, 2022
On recent examination of the garment, it does not appear to be in the same condition in which it was lent to the Kardashian. Based on pictures, several of the crystals seem to have moved and there seems to be a pulled thread in the middle of an area that was originally free from such blemishes.
I saw how sad clothing historians/experts get when they see wedding dresses from the 50s being ruined. Imagine the loss of this original Marilyn Monroe dress which was made for her.
— 🌺 𝕯𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖑'𝖘 (inactive) 𝖆𝖉𝖛𝖔𝖈𝖆𝖙𝖊 🌺 (@FillaneAmmisto) June 14, 2022
Sorry but it feels like Kim ruined it cause her ego told her that it HAS to be the original dress
As such, the discourse is going wild on Twitter. Users are lamenting that the dress never should have been leant out for this exact reason. Not only was it a piece of American history that should have been preserved, but it was a dress that was entirely designed and intended for Monroe herself. As one user posted:
"the quotes are so damn ignorant, it's not about the actual dress. it's about the meaning. Marilyn was used all her life, she hardly had anything that was truly her own. This dress, it was hers. it was designed specifically and ONLY for her. now it's ruined."
We will keep you up to date on any more news that comes to light regarding this incident.