Ray Garduño Cruz, Juan Francisco González Aguilar Dead: Netflix Issues Statement After Tragedy

Netflix formally issued a statement regarding the recent "The Chosen One" accident.
Days after Ray Garduño Cruz and Juan Francisco González Aguilar died and six other cast and crew members sustained injuries in a crash, Netflix shared a statement to address the devastating event.
The production company behind the series, Redrum, also penned a message after halting the series' production.
A Netflix spokesperson said on Monday, "We are deeply saddened by the tragic accident that took the lives of Ray Garduño and Juan Francisco González. Our thoughts are with their loved ones and those injured during this unfortunate accident."
It was the first time the streaming giant shared a statement about the victims of the horrifying event.
For what it's worth, Netflix initially detailed what happened during the fatal crash in a statement to USA Today.
It revealed that the cast and crew of the series were on their way from Santa Rosalia to the local airport on June 16 when the van they were in crashed near Mulegé on the Baja California Sur peninsula in Mexico.
It caused the deaths of two actors and injured six others.
The Baja California Department of Culture confirmed the actors' identities on Friday, saying that Cruz and Aguilar ultimately died.
The six injured - two other actors and four crew members - are currently stable.
Redrum Shocked by Tragic Accident
Aside from Netflix, the production company of the Netflix series shared its deep sadness after losing Garduno and Gonzales in the accident. It assured everyone that it is supporting the people affected by the tragedy.
"Redrum has been cooperating with local authorities, and initial reports and accounts from witnesses indicate that all safety protocols were in place, and this was an unfortunate accident," it said.
The series, which is based on Mark Millar and Peter Gross' comic-book series, tells the story of a 12-year-old boy who discovers that he is the return of Jesus Christ and is destined to save the world.
Although the probe remains underway, friends of the deceased actors voiced their concerns and claimed that the accident occurred due to poor transportation and logistics.
Liliana Conlisk Gallegos, Aguilar's friend told The Daily Beast that she demands the authorities further investigate the case. Actress Allison Tolman also noted on Twitter that the transportation staff works longer days than anyone.