New 'Thor: Love And Thunder' Trailer Gives Us The Thor Split. Let The Hashtags Begin.

Marvel is ramping up for their first big summer blockbuster, Thor: Love and Thunder and the new trailer is chock full of new footage, Easter Eggs, and Chris Hemsworth pulling off a split that would make Jean-Claude Van Damm jealous.
The new trailer was dropped by the films official Twitter handle, which includes the hashtag #Thorsday because, you know, it's Thurdsay. Included is a bevy of never before seen clips of the Guardians of the Galaxy going on a mission with the titular hero, complete with the snappy banter we have grown to love from the two franchises.
Also, Jane (Natalie Portman), Valkyrie (Tessa Thomson), and Korg (Taika Waititi) get to flex their comedic muscles throughout.
Get the 🍿 out! Happy #THORsday!
— Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) June 23, 2022
In a blink and you miss it shot, The Celestrials from Eternals can be spotted outside the entrance to the Rainbow Bridge, which could be something, but it's too early to tell. Giant screaming goats, the aforementioned Thor split where he wrecks to enemy vehicles, and a pretty sweet secret handshake between Star Lord (Chris Pratt) and the God of Thunder are all on display, giving fans a pretty good indication of what kind of light-hearted comedy we are going to get from this fourth outting.
All and all, this looks to go big on the comedy in a way only Thor and Guardians are known for in the MCU, because what's better than going with what works with these off-beat characters.
Thor: Love and Thunder will be flying into theaters on July 8th.