Comedian Craig Robinson's Comedy Show Evacuated After Active Shooter Brandishes Gun At Club In North Carolina

Because America can't go one GD day without the threat of gun violence against innocent people just trying to live their lives, comedian actor Craig Robinson's set at the Comedy Zone in North Carolina was evacuated due to an individual who came to the venue brandishing a firearm.
The incident occurred on Saturday night just before The Office star was set to take the stage. The crowd was vacated, and Robinson took refuge at a nearby amphitheater where he decided to livestream what had happened to his fans on Instagram. In the dark, grainy footage you can hear a concert going on in the background before Robinson explains the situation,
"I'm performing at the Comedy Zone in Charlotte, North Carolina. There was an active shooter in the comedy club, so they moved us over to this - it's a concert going on and it's Big Time Rush, so, I thought I would share it with ya'll."
While he showed the crowd cheering on Big Time Rush as they ended one of their songs, you can hear someone tell Robinson that the gunman had been apprehended.
He posted Sunday on his Instagram:
"About last night.... Thank you to the Comedy Zone security and staff for getting us to safety quickly. Thank you everyone for your outpouring of support and well wishes. Thank you CMPD for swift action in apprehending the shooter. Hopefully he gets the help he needs. Thanks be to God no one was hurt. Please stay safe everyone."
The Charoltte-Mecklenburg Police Dept. released this statement about the incident:
Shortly after 9 p..m., a male subject entered an establishment at the 900 block of NC Music Factory Boulevard. He brandished a firearm inside the business, which was quickly evacuated. The subject then discharged his weapon. There were no injuries and the suspect was taken into custody. More information will be released by Public Affairs.
At the time the gun was fired, Robinson was safely out of the club, and no one was injured.