Robert Smigel And The Crew Of 'The Late Show With Stephen Colbert' Cleared Of Charges After U.S. Capitol Arrest.

Good news for the crew of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and Robert Smigel - aka Triumph the Insult Comic Dog - who has had charges of unlawful entry in the U.S. The Capitol building on June 16 dropped.
The incident took place when nine members of Colbert's staff, including Smigel, were arrested after they were caught filming later than expected in the halls of the building, following an "authorized and pre-approved" involving Robert Smigel's character interviewing several members of Congress on June 15 and 16.
Capitol Police said in a statement, after the charges were dropped, that the officers "arrested nine people for Unlawful Entry charges because members of the group had been told several times before they entered the Congressional buildings that they had to remain with a staff escort inside the buildings, and they failed to do so."
The U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia gave a statement Monday:
"After a comprehensive review of all of the evidence and the relevant legal authority, The Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia has determined that it cannot move forward with misdemeanor charges of unlawful entry against the nine individuals who were arrested on June 16, 2022 at the Longworth Office Building."
It was also noted by the U.S. The Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia that the Staffers involved failed to ask the group to leave, though the cops did issue an earlier warning about them needing an escort to be in the area.