The Reason Behind Kylie Jenner Pregnant Emoji Comment on Travis Scott's Photo

Kylie Jenner explains the reason behind her controversial comment, which triggered rumors about her carrying Travis Scott's third baby and the answer is hilarious!
Everyone is shocked by the controversial emoji that a cosmetic beauty entrepreneur commented on the latest photo on Instagram of his longtime boyfriend, Travis Scott.
Kylie Jenner, as an ever-supportive girlfriend of Travis Scott, commented on his latest IG photo on Sunday, July 24, 2022. As she expressed her awe and praised her partner, she commented with a series of pregnant woman emojis, plus a tongue sticking out emoji, which made the netizens go crazy! They are asking for more detailed info other than the emoji.
There are a lot of comments and queries, thinking maybe Kylie is meaning something. Since it was a pregnant woman emoji, the fans are asking if the reality star is expecting another child with her boyfriend (the father of her children), Travis, 5 months after their second child was born.
They were so surprised that they couldn't help but comment on the public photo of the star, Travis.
One said, "another one." adding a laugh emoji and the other one wrote, "wtf another baby?"
Even though everyone is excited, it seems like they misinterpreted Kylie Jenner's comment. According to Indy 100, using the pregnant woman emoji is not always mean that someone is pregnant; it is a Gen Z way of telling each other that they think they are attractive.
In the photo, it shows how Travis looks beautifully cool in an effortless manner. He wore a black heavy metal t-shirt and gray worn jeans while standing on the sidewalk with his back against the wall. He posted this photo with a caption: "Got there in a New York minute."
The longtime couple has two cute little children whom they love so much. But as a mother, she is also dealing with her own battle. On her Instagram, Kylie shared her story about postpartum. She spoke about how she's been dealing with tons of back and knee pain, which has been slowing down her workouts. "But I am on a mission to get strong again," she said.
As of now, there is no news from the couple regarding the pregnancy of the entrepreneur reality star. She and Travis are just enjoying their life with their beloved children.