Johnny Depp in Trouble: Actor Manipulated Evidence Against Amber Heard? [REPORT]

Johnny Depp has been accused of manipulating evidence which has been sealed before the defamation trial.
Depp and his team found that Heard altered the photos she presented in court during the recent legal battle. But recently, it fired back after more than 6,000 pages of court documents disclosed that the audio and photos submitted to the court were manipulated.
The documents obtained by The Daily Beast, disclosed that Heard's legal team insisted that the evidence was altered, and they found out about them through their metadata.
Newsweek highlighted the accusations thrown by Heard's representatives. They said that the photos of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" actor's bruises and scratches were "Created and Modified" dates of years after the alleged incidents occurred.
"[The metadata] indicates the [audio] recordings were created in September 2015 and then modified in June 2016, and again one day before their production, but Depp only produced the modified version. This raises significant concerns of manipulation, alteration, and deletion," it went on.
This caused several internet users to slam Depp for concealing the critical data in order to win the defamation trial. It also explains why the hashtags #AmberHeardDeservesAnApology, #JohnnyDeppIsALiar, and #JohnnyDeppIsAnAbuser to trend recently.
Amber Heard Also Edited Her Photos
The incident is no longer new in the legal battle, though, as Johnny Depp's lawyer previously accused her of manipulating her photo evidence.
During the cross-examination with Camille Vasquez, the star lawyer presented photos of the actress and quizzed her about whether she photoshopped the images to make them look like she had suffered injuries.
The photos in question, which have since been shared by Law & Crime Trial Network executive producer Cathy Russon, seemingly proved that the actress lied again.
"Isn't it true that you edited this photograph? That you enhanced one to make it look more red?" Vasquez said, to which Heard replied, "No, that is not true."
After the actress insisted that they are different photos, fans immediately tested them and found out that the photos were the same.
One fan said, "Exact same pics look at the shadow under the nose and forehead the lighting has been changed they are both the same pictures that were done later at all all the shadows match I studied forensics and that pic was not taken the next day."
Depp and Heard are yet to comment on the recently unsealed documents.