Olivia Newton-John Dead: Daughter Chloe Lattanzi Shares Heartfelt Message

Olivia Newton-John's daughter, Chloe Lattanzi shares her point of view between love and grief in a heartfelt statement thru a quotation following the death of the actress.
Lattanzi is grieving her mother who passed away after a protracted battle against cancer. And we can't blame her for the pain that she is feeling right now because losing someone is the hardest thing that somebody can face.
The daughter of the legendary actress took to Instagram to share about love and grief through a quotation written by Jamie Anderson.
In her post, it can be seen that she agrees with the connection between love and grief, which the text says once you are grieving, you also love the person.
And one of the heartfelt statements that Lattanzi's post can ever highlight is "It's all that you want to give but cannot..." referring to the love that she wants to offer still but cannot since that person is not existing in the real world anymore.
The quotation becomes more painful as you continue to read the text because there is an endless pain from the writer and knowing that Newton-John's only child shared this quote, you can feel that there is more than just the pain.
Perhaps Lattanzi feels hopeless thinking that even though she cried a thousand tears, her mother will not come back to life to wipe it.
As what the text said, "All the UNSPENT LOVE gathers up in the corner of your eyes..." reading the text word per word feels like pain and you can really picture how she's doing right now after the death of her mother.
The text ended with the conclusion that grief is simply loved with NO PLACE TO GO.
Prior to this heartfelt statement, Lattanzi also shares pictures of her with Newton-John when she was just a young lady.
It can be seen in the picture the genuine happiness of the two lovely girls as they kissed. In the series of photos, she also shared some bonding moments that she had with her mom whether as a child or as an adult.
Another post of Lattanzi features her and the late actress but she put an effort to write a caption that appears to be a summary of her love and admiration for the woman who gives birth to her.
She said in the text: "I worship this woman. My mother. My best friend."