Jonathan Knight Finally Marries Partner Harley Rodriguez in Secret After THIS [LOOK]

Jonathan Knight is finally married to his long time partner Harley Rodriguez after facing so many hindrances in their wedding.
The "New Kids on the Block" star is very good at keeping secrets. No one has noticed that he and boyfriend Rodriguez are now married after secretly tying the knot.
Rodriguez and Knight were reportedly engaged last 2016 but due to COVID-19 health protocols and restrictions, they find it hard to have a luxurious wedding celebration.
In an interview with a news outlet, Knight confirmed that he is now a married man after people noticed the ring on his finger.
Without hesitating, "Farmhouse Fixer" admitted that they [boyfriend Rodriguez] indeed, got married which he never had a chance to share with people.
"But everybody just assumed we're married, so, I never say yes or no 'cause I don't wanna lie," explaining his side about being so quiet about the wedding.
Knight added that he and Rodriguez are planning to have a "big wedding" party soon since they were not able to celebrate one of the most important things in their life.
The couple have been magically in love with each other since 2008 and they are both featured in 2015 reality show "The Amazing Race."
As to carrying each other's surname, Knight changed his name adding "Rodriguez" in his complete name which he first used in 2015.
Meanwhile, "Farmhouse Fixer: Battle at the Barn" star shares Season 2 of the show he is in.
Knight really enjoys what he is doing and it can be seen in his posts and Instagram stories.
In an interview, he said that
" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> the show that he is now really matches his interest in life since he is into "fixing" houses.
He said that people asked him whenever he posted photos of the projects he worked on. Adding that there are some who seriously ask if he has another job other than being in the "New Kids" show.
Knight can't imagine that this time would come that he is able to do what he loves while working and people will love. It's like hitting 2 birds with one stone as they say.
The actor also shares that he is extremely happy with the life he is in right now and of course, his husband is also happy living the life they wanted after the pandemic hinders their wedding at first.
Will the couple consider having kids? Let's see.