Zac Efron Reveals He Suffers From THIS Phobia And the Situations That Trigger Him

Zac Efron is one of the most recognizable artists in the industry ever since he established a successful career after appearing in Disney's "High School Musical."
Even though he's constantly being seen in the spotlight because of his popularity status, he still has a big fear of facing the public, which he considers a phobia.
In a recent interview with Men's Health, the 34-year-old actor said he has agoraphobia. The official website of the UK's NHS described the phobia as a fear of being in situations where it's hard to ask for help whenever things go south.
People often associate the condition with being scared of "open spaces" but the website noted that Efron's condition is far more complex.
People with agoraphobia may have been struggling with traveling in public transportation, leaving their households, or visiting a mall.
Panic attacks are usually common when they have been triggered. Other symptoms include feeling sick, feeling hot and sweaty, fast heartbeat, and hyperventilation.
BuzzFeed noted that the actor's phobia could be the reason why he doesn't have as many candid photos as other celebrities.
Elsewhere in the interview, the "Neighbors" actor said people in large groups trigger his phobia, that's why he doesn't go out as much.
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Zac Efron Finally Clears Up Plastic Surgery Rumors
Last year, the actor made rounds online after appearing in an Earth Day special. Many fans speculated that Efron might have had cosmetic procedures on his face as his jaw and lips appeared to be different from his usual look.
Fans poked fun at the situation, calling the incident "Jaw-Gate" as many users alleged he had gotten fillers, Botox, dental surgery, implants, and the likes.
In the same interview mentioned above, Efron had finally cleared up the speculations about his face, saying he had a jaw injury resulting his face to swell.
Explaining what happened to him, the actor revealed he was running around his home wearing socks when he suddenly slipped and hit the granite fountain.
Efron has been working with a physical therapist, but there are some muscles around his face that need to be worked harder.
It heavily affected not just how it looked but also how he uses it for chewing.
"The masseters just grew, they just got really, really big," he added. (via Insider)