The intense trailer for Brad Pitt's new thriller The Counselor was released this week.

The movie focuses on a lawyer, known as The Counselor, who is played by actor Michael Fassbender. The Counselor finds himself in a difficult and dangerous situation when he becomes involved in drug trafficking.

"You may think there are things that these people are simply incapable of," Pitt, who plays a character named Westray, tells Fassbender in a clip. "They are not."

The Counselor replies, "I'll try and remember that."

Penelope Cruz plays Laura, the fiancee of The Counselor. Actress Cameron Diaz plays Malkina and appears to be one of the film's antagonists.

"You should be careful what you wish for Angel," she tells Laura. "Cause we all have secrets."

Cruz gushed about the movie in an interview with Collider in 2012.

"I read the script, and after three pages I was completely blown away by how new this feels," she said. "And it's an incredible piece for actors, all the characters are incredible. All the scenes are very long scenes, a lot of dialogue, scenes that have a beginning and a transition. You can travel with each scene, you have the space and the time to really go through a journey with each scene; and that, for actors, it's a big privilege to have scenes like that."

She also discussed the role she portrays and the transition her character faces. Her character "has very particular ideology, is a very religious woman, or has been educated like that and is starting to have doubts about some things," she told the website. "Life is putting her in that situation where she's tasting the darkness."

The film, directed by Ridley Scott, also stars Natalie Dormer, Javier Bardem and Rosie Perez.

The Counselor comes to U.S. theaters on Oct. 25.

Brad Pitt, Penelope Cruz