Big Brother 15 aired its eighteenth episode Wednesday night, featuring the Head of Household competition and their nominations for eviction.

Week 6 Head of Household: GinaMarie Zimmerman

Week 6 Nominees: Candice Stewart & Jessie Kowalski

Other houseguests: Aaryn Gries, Amanda Zuckerman, Andy Herren, Elissa Slater, Helen Kim, Judd Daugherty, McCrae Olson and Spencer Clawson.

The episode began after GinaMarie's nomination ceremony, in which she nominated Candice and Jessie for eviction. GinaMarie pulled Jessie into the HOH room after the ceremony and explained to her that Candice was her target. GinaMarie then talked to Candice and explained why she nominated her.

Next, Jessie entered the HOH room and sat down next to McCrae in Amanda's presence, which angered Amanda. When McCrae refused to move and sit next to Amanda, she stormed out of the room. Later, the couple had a spat in which she confronted him and asked if he didn't want to be with her anymore. McCrae dodged many of Amanda's questions, and said in the Diary Room that he was hesitant to separate from her since she would go after him if she had power in the future.

The houseguests then gathered in the living room for the third nominee reveal. Amanda was nominated by America's MVP vote for the second straight week. The houseguests then picked players for the Veto competition. GinaMarie, Amanda, Candice and Jessie were automatically selected while Judd and Spencer were chosen at random.

Amanda, Candice, Elissa and Helen came to the incorrect conclusion that Judd was the MVP. Amanda then went to Judd and Spencer asking them to use the Veto on her if they won it. They both agreed to it but Spencer said in the Diary Room that he wouldn't.

McCrae and Amanda had another fight after McCrae told GinaMarie to keep the nominees the same if she were to win the Veto. Amanda aggressively confronted McCrae about his comments and he responded by explaining that keeping the nominees the same wouldn't "ruffle any feathers," and added that it wouldn't matter since Candice was going to be evicted anyway.

The houseguests played the Veto competition, which involved tossing a toy frog onto lily pads with numbers on them. Whoever got the lowest score in each round would be eliminated. During the competition, Candice told Judd about Amanda thinking he was the MVP. Amanda overheard her and confronted her in front of everyone. Jessie wound up winning the Veto competition.

Amanda and McCrae had another fight in which McCrae told her to stop causing so much drama with other houseguests. Meanwhile, Aaryn told GinaMarie that Elissa would be a good person to nominate in Jessie's place, thinking that Elissa was trying to keep Candice this week. In a later conversation, Helen told GinaMarie not to put up Elissa, saying that they could all work together.

At the Veto ceremony, Jessie took herself off the nomination block and GinaMarie nominated Spencer in her place.

Big Brother 15 will air its next episode Thursday at 9 p.m. on CBS, featuring the live eviction of either Amanda, Candice or Spencer and then another eviction, which the houseguests don't know about.

Watch Wednesday night's episode here.

Big Brother 15