Empathetic Lawyers Make Co-parenting at Christmas Easier

The Christmas holidays are a wonderful time of year for many different reasons. Work slows down, and friends and family get together to feast and make merry, even if they aren't observing the religious aspects of Christmas.
Of course, those who do celebrate Christmas have their own family traditions. Things can get complicated and stressful for divorced parents. On which side of the family do the children spend Christmas Eve?
Questions like these can be stressful for parents to answer. The child's well-being can rub up against their parent's holiday plans. Ideally, the divorce itself is not combative, and the parents can work out a system that satisfies everybody.
Empathetic lawyers help create the foundations for such an arrangement by collaborating during the divorce proceedings instead of taking a more aggressive tack. Please read on to learn more about their approach.
Holistic Goal
Divorce can be an emotionally challenging time for everybody involved. Right when you are feeling strong emotions like anger, sadness, and regret, that's when you need to make decisions that will impact your financial and personal life moving forward.
The experienced family lawyers at Tailor Law take a more holistic view of their clients. Yes, they'll protect your finances and custody rights, but they understand that what you really want is what benefits your kids most.
While it's common for parents to be in strong disagreement during a divorce, they usually share the desire to prioritize their kids' well-being. It would be wrong for their feelings towards each other to come in the way of what they both want, but this can happen if the divorce proceedings aren't collaborative.
Empathetic lawyers know that starting out with the right tone and making reasonable concessions that demonstrate goodwill is the best way to secure what everybody wants.
Tough When Necessary
Approaching the divorce proceedings with a conciliatory attitude and larger vision doesn't mean the best empathetic lawyers can't be tough when it's required. After all, they can't control how the other party will respond to their proposals.
All they can do is lead with the right tone and a collaborative approach, and if the other side gets defiant and combative, they'll respond in kind. Even the most empathetic, collaborative lawyer knows to have toughness in their arsenal.
Experienced Navigators
Going through a divorce is never easy, even when it's the right decision. People need to adjust to a very different lifestyle, one they didn't expect there'd be a need for. It can be disorienting and intense.
Empathetic lawyers will not only protect your rights to custody, access, and child and spousal support. They also play a supportive role in helping you navigate your new world and setting you up for the days ahead. Once this is established, co-parenting is much easier.
The Christmas holidays can be magical, but complicated relationships in divorced families can throw a wrench in plans, causing stress and anxiety. Nobody can tell a parent how to look after their children, but collaborative lawyers help you come out of the divorce proceedings with the foundations for healthy co-parenting so kids can enjoy their Christmas holidays.