Erika Kullberg, an attorney and personal finance expert, shared how much she makes from posting content on YouTube and other social media platforms.

Using her expertise in law and finance, Kullberg creates content related to various finance topics, including debt, retirement, budgeting and real estate, among many others, and shares them with her over 21 million total followers across YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook.

In a recent interview with Entrepreneur, she revealed how much she makes as a content creator, telling the outlet: "YouTube is by far the highest paying social media platform for me."

The online creator revealed that YouTube paid her more for her long-form videos than the short clips she uploaded, despite them gaining more views.

According to Erika, she only made $106.85 for a 48-second video she uploaded in December 2022 that recorded 4.1 million views. Meanwhile, she was paid $45,000 for a 12-minute video she uploaded in December 2020 that was viewed 300,000 less on the platform.

With just that one video titled "Quit my $250,000 job after learning this about money," she reportedly earned $45,000, where $44,900 was earned from watch page ads.

Watch page or watch feed ads are "ads that appear in the feed of recommended videos below the player on mobile and next to the player on computers."

Erika joined YouTube in August 2019 and has since gained over 2.08 million subscribers and over 274.7 million views with her 258 uploaded videos so far.

For the last five years of creating content for the platform, she said she was able to earn a total of $353,000 before taxes, as of last week. Brand sponsorship earnings are not included here as well.

"The most I've ever made in a single day from YouTube was $1,622," she shared.

Meanwhile, on other platforms, she made significantly less. On TikTok, where she has over 9.2 million followers and 542 million views, she only made $5,756 since she started posting two years ago.

On Facebook, she was able to rake in four times her TikTok earnings and made $20,251 in almost the same time frame.

On Instagram, despite having over 5.3 million followers, she said she did not earn any because "Instagram doesn't pay its creators for videos anymore."

Aside from posting videos on social media, Erika runs a podcast titled "Erika Taught Me with Erika Kullberg," where she "helps people create the success they want."

Social media influencer