On Saturday, Kim Kardashian took to Instagram with the social media site's creator, Kevin Systrom, to post her first selfie since giving birth to baby North West

The New York Daily News reported that the 32-year-old Keeping Up With The Kardashians reality star recently hung out with Systrom.

"Chilling with the creator of Instagram @kevin," Kardashian captioned the photo, featuring Systrom and her.

Kardashian's face is the only part of her body that is visible in the photo.

No word on why Systrom and the reality star hung out, but Kardashian and boyfriend, Kanye West, are said to be very tech-savvy.

Kanye previously declared that he is the Steve Jobs of the internet, and the couple even receieved a visit from Apple co-founder Steve Woznaik shortly after North was born.

Enstars reported that Woznaik was invited to Cedars hospital by the couple after little Nori was born.

Woznaik appeared on CNN's Piers Morgan and described North's features to the host.

"I have seen a lot of babies, and a baby represents the love between the people and that meant more to me and the love that Kim was showing to Kanye. Just because he was interested in technology and companies, she, as a birthday present, she had me up there to meet him," Woznaik said.

The tech geek expressed his admiration for Kardashian and gushed about her love for Kanye.

"Unbelievable that a woman would do that. I mean I just think she is doing everything she can to show her love to a man," he said.

Kim Kardashian