Bill Burr will host the upcoming Nov. 9 episode of SNL alongside musical guest Charli XCX in the late-night sketch show's first post-election. But now, some of the comedian's past Saturday Night Live monologue from 2020 comically condemning white women is going viral on social media again.

The remarks' renewed attention come after former President Donald Trump was re-elected to office this week — signifying a vulnerable position for women's health after the Trump-backed Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in a historic decision in 2022. According to CNN exit polls, over half of white women also voted for President-elect Donald Trump in this election.

In response to the older video of Burr's onstage quips, a conversation is currently happening on social media that has several people agreeing with the sentiment that the comedian used as material. However, others are pushing back at the ideas in the bit.

Amid his opening monologue from when Burr hosted the Oct. 10, 2020, episode of SNL, the comedian mused, "The way white women somehow hijacked the woke movement. Generals around the world should be analyzing this. [...] The woke movement was supposed to be about people of color not getting opportunities, the at-bats they deserve, finally making that happen. And it was about that for about eight seconds."

He continued, "Then, somehow, white women swung their Gucci-booted feet over the fence of oppression and stuck themselves at the front of the line. I don't know how they did it! I've never heard so much complaining in my life from white women — 'My life is so hard with my SUV and my heated seats! You have no idea what it's like to be me!' Trashing white guys; the nerve — the nerve of you white women."

Burr added, "Let's go back in history here, OK? You guys stood by us toxic white males through centuries of our crimes against humanity; you rolled around in the blood money. And occasionally, when you wanted to sneak off and hook up with a Black dude; if you got caught, you said it wasn't consensual. Yeah, that's what you did! That's what you did. So why don't you shut up, sit down next to me, and take your talking-to?" (Watch the video below.)

Several on social media seeing the Bill Burr video in 2024 are earnestly agreeing with what he said in the routine on the SNL stage four years ago. Here's a sample of the replies: "White women f**ked us," a person on X (Twitter) said. "That's why they'll never be good at team sports because they don't support each other."

Another added, "Bill Burr nailed it by calling out how some white women center themselves in conversations about oppression, missing their own privilege." Someone else said, "White women don't do anything in their own best interest or in support of one another. They don't."

Not everyone on social media jibes with the comedic sentiments expressed by Burr in the 2020 monologue, however. Another person replied, "Bill Burr is a misogynist who frequently denigrates white women. To appeal to who? Other misogynists?"

A different user on X said, in response to the video being reposted on the platform, "Bill Burr is a sh-tlib cosplaying a working man." Yet another said, "Bill Burr most likely believes men and women are equal he's just ribbing. It's still sexist sorry."

Bill burr, Snl, Saturday Night Live, 2024 Presidential election, Charli XCX