Mexican Woman Pregnant with 9 Babies, Had Triplets 5 Months Ago [PHOTO]
A Mexican woman is pregnant with nine babies, local media reported Thursday night as details emerged that she had just given birth to triplets in November.
The woman, 32-year-old Karla Vanessa Perez Castaneda of the Northern state of Coahuila, will give birth to six girls and three boys next month after 7 months in the womb.
"The [c-section] delivery is scheduled for May 20, but the doctors are telling me that I could endure another month so that the babies can form completely and they don't spend too much time in the incubators," she told local media.
Perez Castaneda reportedly has a 4-year-old son named Braulio apart from the triplets so their family would expand to 13 after the babies are born.
"It's too early to think about the babies' names, first I hope that everything goes well, the pregnancy has been very normal so far, now I just have an internal injury from the c-section from the triplets, but we are confident that they will be born well," she said.
What she is most worried about is about her family's financial situation.
"Now we are looking for somebody who can help us to maintain the children in the incubators, apart from the hospitalization," she told local media.