Jessica Simpson and her fiance NFL player Eric Johnson welcomed daughter Maxwell Drew Johnson on Tuesday.

The baby girl weighed nearly 10 pounds (9lb 13 oz) and was reportedly overdue 11 days.


Her birth sparked a wave of congratulation messages and jokes from fans on Twitter.

"Congratulations to our beautiful mentor Jessica Simpson on the birth of her precious baby girl Maxwell Drew! We bet she is a Fashion Star already!" NBC's TV Show Fashion Star wrote on her Facebook page.

Read The Best Jokes from Twitter Users Below:

-"Jessica Simpson had her baby. Apparently, Kanye busted into the delivery room and said Beyonce had the best baby of all time."

-"Jessica Simpson FINALLY had her baby. Took so long that child was born 5 years old. (Congrats)"

-"5.5 Earthquake this morning in Mexico. Jessica Simpson's contractions must have been pretty severe."

-"Jessica Simpson should have named her daughter Maggie."

-"Jessica Simpson gives birth to 9lb, 13oz baby girl. [Doctor peers inside, "that's it?!?!"]"

Jessica Simpson