Tom Gabel, the lead singer of the band "Against Me!" told Rolling Stone he will begin the process of transition into a woman.

Gabel posed as a woman for the magazine's latest issue. He reveals he has dealt with gender dysphoria for years. He said he will start the transition by taking hormones and undergo electrolysis treatments.

He will take the name Laura Jane Grace. SEE PHOTOS OF TOM GABEL

"I'm going to have embarrassing moments," Gabel told Rolling Stone, "and that won't be fun. But that's part of what talking to you is about – is hoping people will understand, and hoping they'll be fairly kind."

Gabel is married to artist Heather Gabel and they have a year-old daughter Evelyn.

He said, he will remain married to her.

The singer has alluded to the idea in the past. For example, in the song "The Ocean" the lyrics say "And If I could have chosen, I would have been born a woman / My mother once told me she would have named me Laura") and in a new song, "Transgender Dysphoria Blues".
