Soccer star David Beckham crashed his car and hit an oncoming female driver while he was leaving his driveway around 2:30 Friday afternoon.

Witnesses said Beckham, 38, was pulling out of his driveway when he hit the woman.

No one was hurt, including his 14-year-old son Brooklyn who was in the passenger seat of the Range Rover Sport Beckham was driving. But the female's car, an Acura 4x4, was dinged in the front and suffered a huge dent. As for Beckham's car, his entire bumper pretty much came off and was hanging down in the front.

Beckham put his car in reverse and parked back in his driveway before he waited inside his home for police to come. Officers then questioned Beckham before interviewing people around the neighborhood to find out what happened.

Beckham and Brooklyn encountered another crash in 2011 after their car was part of a multi-vehicle pileup on a Los Angeles highway.

David Beckham