'Grand Theft Auto 5' Cheats: Earn Money Quickly Through Collecting Packages on Ocean Floor [VIDEO]
Grand Theft Auto 5 gamers can easily increase the money in their pocket as long as they know the right secrets and side missions to exploit.
You can easily gain $12,000 by exploiting an underwater trick. Travel to the northwest coast of Los Santos and find the peninsula off the coast of Paleto Bay. Get as close as you can to the position highlighted on your map and dive into the water to find a flashing hidden package. Collect the package and then swap your character for another.
Next, immediately switch back to the first character; this makes the package respawn and you can collect more money. This also allows your oxygen supply to fill up with each switched character.
You can find a more expensive package off the west coast of Los Santos. More specifically, it is located underneath the water near the Pacific Bluffs. Employ the same strategy of switching out characters once you've collected the package from the ocean floor.
In one of the side missions, you purchase Sonar Collectibles and receive the Zodiak, which allows you to search for nuclear waste on the ocean floor. This nuclear waste comes in at $23,000 each and there are 30 located on the ocean floor. This means you can earn up to $690,000 just through collecting nuclear waste.
Collecting items from the ocean floor is one of the easier ways of earning money fast without putting yourself in too much danger.
For more strategies in collecting large sums of money in Grand Theft Auto 5, watch the video below: