Fans of Marvel are surely itching to find out the latest news on a potential Wolverine 3 blockbuster that continues to be heavily buzzed about amongst the comic loyalists.

Although a clear-cut storyline to the future blockbuster is currently being kept on the hush, hush, director James Mangold and Hugh Jackman are reportedly said to have enough information to "sit up and discuss negotiations for another installment of the razor clawed superhero" with Twentieth Century Fox, according to Inentertainment.

On Nov. 5, Deadline posted that Mangold is actually in the midst of making a deal to pen a treatment on the future flick, and Lauren Shuler Donner is set to produce.

Interesting to note, Omega Red has been hinted as being a potential supervillain in the future installment. The site goes on to state that the antagonist would be like a time bomb ready to go off, as he would be a threat to everyone in his way.

To top it off, Unleashthefanboy reported that Arkady Rossovich could be connected to the films moving forward as well.

The latest news comes after The Wolverine went on to become the second highest grossing X-Men movie to date, raking in $413 million worldwide, $132 million domestically and $280 million internationally.

Marvel, Hugh Jackman