Mark Wahlberg lost his cool during a Q&A on Tuesday night while promoting his new movie Lone Survivor after he was asked to discuss his rigorous training for the role.

"For actors to sit there and talk about 'oh I went to SEAL training'? I don't give a f--k what you did. You don't do what these guys did. For somebody to sit there and say my job was as difficult as somebody in the military? How f---ing dare you, while you sit in a makeup chair for two hours," Wahlberg said at the AFI Fest.

He continued: "I don't give a sh-t if you get your a-- busted. You get to go home at the end of the day. You get to go to your hotel room. You get to order your f---ing chicken. Whatever the f--k it is. People talk about what do we do to bond the way that those guys bonded. We just knew what they did. It didn't matter."

Some presumed Wahlberg was directing his comments towards Tom Cruise, who reportedly compared making a movie to being at war in Afghanistan during a deposition in September. But, Walhberg said that wasn't the case.

"I didn't know that it was Tom Cruise who said that, someone just mentioned that people were comparing that," he told TMZ. "I love Tom Cruise, he's a great actor... I have the utmost respect for Tom Cruise. I have the utmost respect for military guys, so it's unfair for anyone to comment on that."

In the film, based on the 2005 ill-fated military mission called "Operation Red Wings," the 42-year-old portrays former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell. The assignment involved three other members of SEAL Team 10 capturing a Taliban leader, Ahmad Shah. Luttrell, who received a Navy Cross for his efforts, was the only one to survive the mission.

Lone Survivor, which is directed by Peter Berg and also stars Emile Hirsch, Ben Foster and Taylor Kitsch, arrives in U.S. theaters on Jan. 10, 2014.

Mark Wahlberg, Tom Cruise