Doctor Who's Clara is having a bit of difficulty with her Christmas dinner.

Daleks, Cybermen, and Weeping Angels are nothing compared to the menace that is an undercooked turkey. While the Oswald's are all settling in for their Christmas dinner, Clara (Jenna Louise Coleman) and the Doctor (Matt Smith) are contemplating how to fix one of the holiday's greatest conundrums in a new clip from "The Time of the Doctor."

Unfortunately for the pair, the sonic screwdriver is lacking several important settings other than wood. Roasting poultry is clearly not on the device's resume and it looks like dinner will be getting an assist from the TARDIS.

However, cold turkey is really the least of Eleven and Clara's problems. As the duo leave earth's December celebrations behind to chase down a transmission form across the universe, the Doctor will have to face his fate at Trenzalore.

The gravesite of the Doctor is set to become the site of the Time War part two, according to a new extended preview.

A seemingly Dalek controlled Tasha Lem (Orla Brady) will recreate the Doctor's worst nightmare far from Gallifrey and, as Eleven (who is really the thirteenth incarnation of the Time Lord) stares down the end of his timeline, someone will have to find away to allow the Doctor to regenerate at least once more.

Watch Matt Smith morph into Peter Capaldi's Twelfth Doctor this Christmas at 9 p.m. ET on BBC America.

Doctor Who, BBC, BBC America, Television