'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' Recap: Sought-After Felon Revealed & Detective Boyle Back At Work [VIDEO]
Brooklyn Nine-Nine returned to Fox on Tuesday with its midseason premiere as Detective Charles Boyle went back to work and a sought-after felon was finally revealed.
The episode, titled Pontiac Bandit, started with Boyle arriving at the department on his new scooter, which he couldn't sit down due to getting shot in his buttocks, which had him running into anything he can be bang into.
The rest of the force had to be nice to Boyle for once, and it tore them apart the whole episode.
Viewers saw the first guest appearance of the episode after the first commercial break. Craig Robinson, from The Office, joins the show as Doug Judy. He was later revealed to be the illusive Pontiac Bandit, who Jake Peralta had been searching so long for.
Judy at first posed as someone enamored with Detective Rosa Diaz, and said he had information on the Pontiac Bandit. As the episode enfolded, it became clear that he is playing Jake and Rosa.
Judy and Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) formed a humorous bond all while Robinson played the puppeteer. Their relationship, and Jake's unwavering attempts to catch the bandit, led to Jake breaking Rosa's trust by not supporting her "1000 push-ups" request, a phrase they say to each other when they want the other to trust them completely.
Besides the introduction of Robinson, Captain Holt introduced two puppies. The dogs cradled in his arm, mixed with his super-dry humor, provided a hilarious set up.
"She live tweets everything, ruined Downton Abbey for me," Holt said about Gina while holding two puppies.
The episode ended with Judy getting away, and Rosa and Jake at odds. Detective Boyle also becomes the new proud owner of two puppies.
Watch Pontiac Bandit in full here.
Tune in next Tuesday, Jan. 14, for a new episode at 8:30/7:30 Central on FOX. Jake and Amy's ongoing bet about who can make more arrests comes to an end. Charles receives the Medal of Valor for getting shot in the line of duty, but the pain medication he is taking causes him to express his true feeling about his colleagues.
Watch a clip fron Pontiac Bandit below.