New information has indeed surfaced on the twelfth installment of The CW's hit show, Arrow, as Arrow (Stephen Amell) will try his hand at training the likes of Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) in Tremors.

The CW network posted the following press release on the upcoming installment:

"Arrow is going to offer to train Roy so he can learn to control his newfound super-strength. However, Roy will be a rebellious student and refuses to listen unless Arrow reveals his true identity, which Oliver will refuse to do. Meanwhile, the Bronze Tiger (Michael Jai White) will escape from prison and steals Malcolm's earthquake machine to sell to the highest bidder."

Also set to occur, Diggle (David Ramsey), Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and Oliver (Amell) will try to halt the transfer, but Roy will be an obstacle and put everyone in harm's way. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) will be out of line while Moira (Susanna Thompson) gets excited when Walter (Colin Salmon) asks her out to dinner, but his reason for it will shock her.

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Next up for The CW's Arrow will be its Blind Spot episode, which will air on Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 8/7 p.m. Central Time. Tremors will air the following week on Jan. 29. Be sure to keep checking back with Enstars for more of the latest info. The trailer for the upcoming episode can be watched below.

Arrow, The cw, Television