Hollywood's own "royal" couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt reportedly invited British royals Prince William and Kate Middleton to an Olympic-themed party. The power couple will rent out the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and throw an Olympic-themed "Night At the Museum" party - slated to be one of the biggest celebrity parties of the year.

The party is schedule for July 25, just two days before the official Olympics party. The party will be held in honor of boxing legend Muhammad Ali. The guest list will include the top A-listers, including David and Victoria Beckham, Sharon Stone, Michael Douglas and Catherina Zeta-Jones. The event will raise funds for the Sports for Peace charity.

Jolie and Pitt will host a champagne reception on the lawn of the museum, leading to a four-course banquet dinner. The guests will then head over to Brangelina's $20 milllion townhouse.

A source told The Mirror: "Angelina is on official work duty but Brad is ensuring fun will be had after hours, and is very hands-on organizing the booze-fuelled house party after. It's going to be an Olympics-themed party, with huge buckets of home-made cocktails on offer. The who's who of British and American celebrity will be in attendance, and invitees have been ordered not to take any photos from their phones."

Angelina Jolie renting the townhouse while she films "Maleficient" in London.

Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Brangelina, Prince William, Kate Middleton