It looks like some new teasers have been revealed for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, involving April O'Neil, Erich Sachs and the crime-fighting reptiles.

New Plot Twist In TMNT Movie?

On Monday, Cosmic Book News posted the information that may not may not be true, but still creates speculation and anticipation.

One piece of possible new information is that April's father is Splinter, who barely remembers his daughter. Apparently, he wants to help save the Turtles where they might end up rebelling against him. It also looks like Erich isn't going to be a real person, but an android with Prime Leader Krang inside him the whole time.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Trailer WATCH HERE

There might even be a scene of him being built. Erich will possibly be involved with most of the crime after hiring criminals to create it. He may create the Foot and use it to take control of the city as the Shredder.

The Foot could have some more memorable moments, involving the kidnapping the Turtles, minusRaphael. If this happens, then he and April will go on a voyage to rescue them. It also looks like the Turtles are going to keep up with their witty charms, involving a flash dance to distract the Foot guards, which leads into an escape.

As for how the movie will end, the site mentioned that the good guys will likely win while the bad guys lose after facing a big battle. Everyone will supposedly celebrate with pizza.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is expected to hit theaters on August 8, 2014.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie, Movies