Secrets will surface and a big fight will ensue on the next episode of The Young and the Restless.

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At the park, Dylan tells Stitch he doesn't want to see his sister or Billy get hurt. Stitch tells him that his situation with Victoria isn't one he'd like to hear. "You did sleep with her?" Dylan replies.

A bit shocked, Stitch explains that it wasn't his intention but it just happened. He also says that he doesn't feel he took advantage of her because she didn't hold back. Yet, Dylan tells Stitch to fall back from Victoria.

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After Dylan leaves, Vikki arrives. Stitch lets her know that Dylan knows about what happened, but adds that he won't utter a word. Victoria gets nervous about hurting her estranged husband.

Later, Billy sees Vikki at the park with Stitch and tells her they need to speak. He orders Stitch to leave as well. "Did you sleep with him?" Billy asks.

More drama continues at Crimson Lights but for two others in Genoa City - Chelsea and Chloe. Chloe approaches Chelsea and tells her she's figured out her plan of submitting a design for their line without her consent. Chelsea tries to cover it up but Chloe isn't having it. She calls her a psycho and doesn't care that the loss of her daughter is probably the reason for her actions. Chelsea tells Chloe that their working relationship hasn't been easy.

After the drama with Chloe subsided, Chelsea has an even more devastating conversation. At Newman, Victor tells Chelsea to come to his office after he gets off the phone with a man who has information about Adam. He tells Chelsea that human remains were found near Genoa City and the dental records matched Adam's. Chelsea breaks down in tears.

Later, a man tells Adam that he completed the task and paid off everyone.

-- The Young and the Restless airs weekdays at 12:30 p.m. EST on CBS.

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