'Pretty Little Liars' Premiere Season 5: Ali Comes Face-To-Face With 'A' [PHOTOS], What Details Will She Learn [VIDEO]
The Pretty Little Liars are experiencing one nightmare after another in the city that never sleeps. A premiere run in with 'A' will continue to keep the teens on their toes as season 5 kicks off.
Ali is back, and she spent "A is for Answers" bringing her fellow Liars up to speed on the entire 'A' situation. However, just as things were looking up, the Rosewood youngsters saw their nemesis try to take out Ezra Fitz.
Luckily for the English teacher, his wounds won't stop his pulse. Ali, on the other had, will have a pulse pounding race through the city when she comes face-to-mask with the elusive assailant (see premiere photos above).
However, the Liars' run-ins with 'A' have furnished them with a surprising amount of information.
"I would try to not read that much into it, but I think Hanna pointed it out that there was some athletic ability to that person, and when she said, 'That's definitely not your mom,' I think we can read at least that into it," said showrunner Marlene King in regards to the alleged rooftop 'A', according to Entertainment Weekly. "That wasn't Mrs. D jumping from one roof top to another. As much as Andrea Parker probably could do that - she is a pretty little hottie!"
Will Ali's upcoming meeting with the masked figure provide any new information? Find out when Pretty Little Liars returns to ABC Family on June 10. Click the video below to see a sneak peek from "EscApe From New York."