The self-proclaimed prince of the south, Rapper Lil Scrappy, had a lot to say about gay men this week when he went on "TMZ Live." The conversation was based off the recent coming out of R&B singer Frank Ocean. According to the website, the new reality star believes gay men, like Frank Ocean, are the "doorway to AIDS," he told TMZ. He wants down low, or in the closet homosexuals to "come out" in hopes of it decreasing the transfer of the disease to straight people.

Currently, the former rapper is starring on VH1's "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta." During his appearance on "TMZ Live," he made it clear that he has no problem with the GLBT community. However, he would prefer everyone to be honest and comfortable about their sexuality. When asked whether he supports his fellow industry mate, Frank Ocean, on his recent decision to announce that he is gay, he said that he supports the singer.

"I'm glad that he came out ... so all the real women that love to mess with real men, straight men, we can keep the AIDS situation down, you feel me? [homosexuality] is a doorway to AIDS, scientifically."" Scrappy told TMZ.

There is some truth to Scrappy's statements. There has been evidence that supports his theory on homosexuality effecting the distribution of AIDS. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, men who have sexual intercourse with other men accounted for 61% of all new HIV infections in 2009.

Scrappy assured TMZ that he has no bias towards working with the openly gay artist, telling them he would "jump on a track like it was yesterday."

Lil Scrappy, Frank ocean