Kanye West was not shy about his feeling towards Kim Kardashian in his Atlantic City show on Friday, July 6. The rapper took the stage at his first solo, headlining show in over one year and his gaze was set on one special someone that he dedicated a song to.

West began the show with his tune "Dark Fantasy." According to Rolling Stone, he came upon the stage in a large crane. Soon, West went into the now famous, "Way Too Cold." The song was leaked in April and was reportedly West's public declaration of his feelings for Kardashian.

The couple have been dating for longer than Kardashian was married to Kris Humphries and the relationship seems strong.

In a revealing interview on Oprah's Next Chapter, Kim opened up about her very public relationship to the music artist.

"We met maybe almost a decade ago. I've known him for a really long time. We've been friends for, like, six or seven years, so it's very comforting to have someone that knows everything about you that respects you, understands, has gone through similar things," Kim confessed to Oprah.

"I can really relate to his mother passing, he can really relate to my father passing. I mean, there's so many similarities in our life that I feel like I'm at a really happy, good space," she continued.

West, who has been mostly quiet on the subject of his girlfriend, sung the line from his song: "I admit I fell in love with Kim," and pointed up to the VIP box where she was seated. US Weekly reports that Kardashian, who was accompanyed by a friend, sang along to West's tunes and even danced at times.

Later on during his show, West shouted to the crowd: "If you love someone tonight ... hold on real tight!" At this, Kardashian hugged her friend and jokingly hugged herself.

The couple seemed to have a fun night.

"We know what we are to each other," Kardashian dished in an interview with InStyleUK. "We've had a deep friendship for so long and that's the start of a really good relationship."

Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Concert, Music