Actress and debut director Elizabeth Banks (The Hunger Games, People Like Us) announced via social media last week that fans could take part in filming the big finale for the upcoming sequel to the a cappella hit Pitch Perfect.

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Production began on Friday for the film's big closing musical number in New Orleans, Louisiana, and fans were invited to sign-up to appear as extras in the crowd. The day-long event included prize packages and the opportunity to take part in the filmmaking process.

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Over 5,000 eager fans showed up and cast and crew were incredibly thankful, if not a little intimidated. "So I'm gunna go try not to have a panic attack now," tweeted actress Brittany Snow (American Dreams) after hearing the number.

"Just wanna thank all the extras tonight giving it to us," said fellow actress Anna Camp (True Blood) on Twitter that same day, "You guys rock."

Snow reposted Camp's comment, adding "the BEST. Y'all so fancy!"

Banks also voiced her appreciation online, reporting photos sent in my fans from the crowd and "thank you" messages from other cast and crew members.

In addition, Banks posted a photo of herself up on stage to her website, captioning the photo with "This is a mash up of Pitch Perfect 2 and The Hunger Games. Amazing crowd, THANK YOU."

Filming for Pitch Perfect 2 is ahead of schedule. The film is set to be released in Spring 2015.

Pitch Perfect 2, Movies