Each week the makers of Showtime's Penny Dreadful release a behind-the-scenes featurette to give further insight into the creation of the show's dark, supernatural world.

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This week, instead of looking at sets, lighting, and monsters, Showtime chose to take a rather realistic look at consumption in Victorian England, shedding further light on the suffering of Miss Bona Croft (Billie Piper).

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Bona is the optimistic, good-hearted prostitute whom Ethan Chandler (Josh Hartnett) falls madly in love with. The only problem is that Bona is dying of consumption. With this recent, intimate look into Brona's condition, could show runners be setting audiences up for a big finale? Will Brona's suffering come to an end and, if so, will it lead to a whole new kind of misery?

This behind-the-scenes look, along with the preview for this Sunday's season finale, indicates that Brona's fate will be decided sooner than audiences might have thought. It is obvious that Brona is dying, but it is possible that death might not be the end for her.

In the program's preview, Ethan takes Victor Frankenstein (Harry Treadaway) to see the deteriorating Bona. While the clip is brief, Frankenstein warns Ethan that "There is a price to pay for such a passage." What "passage" does he speak of? Has Frankenstein revealed his method for bringing the dead back into life as immortal beings? It is implied that Frankenstein at last finds true requested "Immortal mate" for his first creation, Caliban (Rory Kinnear).

While this mate might not be Brona, it is possible that Frankenstein will take pity on her and Ethan and choose to help them cheat the impeding brevity of her life.

Penny Dreadful's eighth and final episode of season one airs Sunday at 10 p.m. ET/PT.

Penny Dreadful, Showtime, Television