On the Big Brother 16 live feeds, the Bomb Squad appears to have blown up as the house intends to go against the Head of Household's plans.

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Head of Households: Amber Borzotra & Devin Shepherd

Other Houseguests: Brittany Martinez, Caleb Reynolds, Christine Brecht, Cody Calafiore, Derrick Levasseur, Donny Thompson, Frankie Grande, Hayden Voss, Jocasta Odom, Nicole Franzel, Paola Shea, Victoria Rafaeli and Zach Rance.

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A lot of game has already gone down on the Big Brother live feeds, including nominations and the Battle of the Block. With very little time to talk, Amber and Devin were asked to present their nominations to the house.

Amber nominated Hayden and Nicole while Devin nominated Brittany and Paola. Amber said she didn't want to nominate two girls and said she wouldn't nominate Donny, so Hayden had to be one of her nominations. Meanwhile, Devin wants Brittany out of the house and paired her with Paola so they would have less of a chance of winning Battle of the Block.

Devin's strategy wound up working out as Hayden and Nicole won the Battle of the Block, dethroning Amber as HOH and making Devin the sole HOH.

While Devin has made it abundantly clear that Brittany should be the one evicted at the end of the week, it seems that his fellow Bomb Squad members do not agree. Christine, Cody, Derrick and Zach agreed that they did not want Devin dictating how the house votes and intend on voting out Paola in the event that the nominations stay the same.

There has also been talk in the house of Devin putting up Victoria in place of Brittany or Paola if one of them wins Veto. This eventually led to Devin telling Paola that if he wins Veto, he would take Paola off and replace her with Victoria, who is disliked by many houseguests.

Caleb was discussing the upcoming vote with Derrick and how Brittany is well-liked in the house. Caleb said that she would be going home anyway and then they would nominate Paola and Victoria next week. They also agreed that Devin should be the first person to go from the Bomb Squad.

The houseguests will likely be playing the Power of Veto competition on Saturday.

The next episode of Big Brother 16 airs Sunday at 8 p.m. on CBS. It will cover the Nomination Ceremony and the Battle of the Block.

Big Brother, Reality TV, CBS