The Doctor and his TARDIS touched down in Cardiff's city center as filming for the Doctor Who season 8 finale continued on Thursday.

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Clara (Jenna Coleman) and the Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi) spent several hours hoping in and out of the iconic blue police box during the early morning hours, and one intrepid fan captured a line from the pairs dialogue.

"I really don't know what to do," one of the time travelers muttered, according to a local photographer.

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While The Doctor and his companion could be confused about any number of things, they are more than likely referring to the two-part finale's cyberman problem. Previous set photos revealed that the metallic monsters are back in action, and this time they will be upgrading the dead.

Penned by showrunner Steven Moffat and directed by Rachel Talalay, the untitled finale began filming in late June. Since then, the Doctor has teamed up with the Gatekeeper of the Nethersphere to battle the cybermen in the high street and revisited the graveyard set where Eleven last clapped eyes on Amy and Rory.

Find out more about the Doctor's adventures when Doctor Who returns to BBC and BBC America on Aug. 23.

Doctor Who, Television, BBC, BBC America