More details have been unleashed on the opening episode of The Walking Dead season five premiere, which will be something that fans will not want to miss.

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On Wednesday, Wet Paint posted the news from showrunner Scott Gimple's interview with TV Guide Magazine. He mentioned something that will be different about Rick, which might come off as frightening to say the least.

"He does feel affection for a great number of people in the railcar, so he's going to harness his more savage and brutal side to protect them," Gimple said.

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The showrunner also went on with more details on Terminus and how it's going to change the characters and quite possibly the aspect of the show.

"We're going to learn a lot more about it, and it's going to have far-reaching effects on our characters this season," Gimple said. "[The premiere] is epic, intimate, emotional, insane, bloody and- hopefully- surprising."

The showrunner didn't stop there; he went on about what's going to happen to the characters as the series continues and what kinds of challenges they could face.

"The season is about who these characters have become," Gimple revealed. "They have survived getting out of the prison, they've been on these journeys and they're going to be facing some pretty heavy stuff that is going to define who they are as people moving forward."

This could cause a number of questions, including what exactly is going to take place, involving more violence, zombie fighting and maybe even more death coming along.

The Walking Dead Season 5 is expected to premiere this October on AMC.

The Walking Dead, Television, AMC