In an interview dated July 25, Arrow's executive producer Andrew Kresiberg spoke about Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity's (Emily Bett Rickards) first date in the premiere of season 3 of the CW series and also gave away a few major spoilers.

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Speaking to E!Online at the CW's 2014 Summer TCA Party, Kreisberg revealed that the date might not go that well.

"There's actually a line in the script where after you see what happens on the date, she even says, 'That was still not my worst date!'" he said.

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Kreisberg went on to elaborate about hot things will pan out for the couple and that their relationship is not of utmost importance to Oliver right now.

"So much of this season as a whole is about Oliver trying to figure out if he can be both Oliver Queen and the Arrow and finding out if there's a life for himself beyond the hood," he said. "He's taking his first tentative steps towards that in the premiere. That's really going to be a struggle for him for the whole season."

Oliver has bigger things to worry about than impressing Felicity, according to Kreisberg.

"He's going to be facing challenges as Oliver that he's never had to face before and he's going to be coming up against an adversary as dangerous and diabolical as any he's faced before," he added. "As tough as things have been for Oliver Queen, he's about to face his toughest challenge yet."

The finale of season 2 of Arrow aired on May 14 on the CW.

Season 3 premieres on October 8 on The CW.

Watch the promo for the finale of season 2, titled Unthinkable:

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