In the concluding scene of Transformers 4: Age of Extinction, Optimus Prime was on his way to meet someone. In a recent interview he movie's producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura spoke about who he might be headed to see in Transformers 5.

Title For Transformers 4: Age of Extinction Sequel To Be Galvatron Rising?

Bonaventura spoke to ScreenCrush about Age of Extinction's success, the wrath of critics and about the fifth instalment.

When asked specifically about who Optimus Prime might be seeking out, and if it would be someone new, Bonaventura was careful not to give anything away.

"I think it could be anything," Bonaventura said. "It could be new, it could be somebody we know."

Earlier this year it had been revealed that Transformers 4: Age of Extinction was only the beginning to a new phase in the series, and a trilogy will be led by Mark Wahlberg. But there seem to have been talk of issues between Bay and Paramount as he has set the condition of working on a passion project, like Pain and Gain from last year, before getting toTransformers 5.

While Age of Extinction slayed at the box office it hasn't been much of a success with critics as it has gotten some pretty bad reviews pointing to a sensory overload with excessive use of technical, CGI mined wizardry and a lack of a strong plot, with the human characters almost rendered meaningless.

Transformers: Age of Extinction hit theaters on June 27, 2014.

Watch the trailer for the movie here:

Transformers 5, Transformers 4: Age of Extinction, Movies